:: Smile and smell the coffee ::

Baking bonanza.
September 30, 2008, 2:59 am
Filed under: Daily

It’s 2.20am now, looks like I’ll be camping downstairs tonight! (I’m now in the dining room with my lappy sadly!)

I hate hate hateee it when the recipes from the magazine are all bluff! (well in my case, most of the recipes I tried turned out like shit, yes, shittyyy!) Should have just did what I do best. I’m trying out new kinds of biskut this year but it all seems to fail coz the magazine I refered to gave out some wrong recipes, this is the third attempt of trying (the new ones) but still kaputs. Can’t trust that magazine anymore lah, is it us Malays being so karit about giving the exact recipes??? Why??? Baik plang ku browse recipe arah allrecipes.com ni eh, bisai lagi! My mum said, “biasalahhh, ia inda mau urang lain pandai, yatah tu resipi nya sengaja inda dibaginya lurus2…”


I’m tired. It’s all last minute here because we like it that way. As always, I’m very much hoping it won’t be raya on Wednesday :s :s We haven’t started re-arranging the furnitures ‘coz the painting job is still on the go, the workers will finalise everything later on… so please please please, rayaaa, please fall on the next next day!

I still have two things to do tomorrow, make my honey cornflakes, I push it last coz it’s the simplest you can make… and coating my almond biskuts with cooking chocolate.

Hmm.. on a random note, I’m missing my girls soo much.

*Don’t mind the typos, I’m sleepy*